AM Transport
Leading trucking services company uses Boomi to transform its business, cut its electronic data interchange (EDI) costs in half, and gain a competitive advantage
Business goals
When the US Department of Transportation established a rule requiring all motor carriers hauling loads in the 48 contiguous United States to transition from using paper logbooks to record a driver’s duty status to electronic logging devices (ELDs), AM Transport saw a new business opportunity.
AM Transport wanted to leverage the ELDs to differentiate its business and offer logistics as as service. So it decided to overhaul its technology foundation to ingest and analyze data from all types of ELDs.
Integration Challenges
The delivery of this logistic service would be a competitive differentiator for AM Transport, and a way to improve customer relationships. But the transportation management system (TMS) that ran its business and integrated with its trading partners and ELD providers had limitations when it came to electronic data interchange (EDI).
To overcome this challenge and transform customer communications, AM Transport implemented a new cloud-based TMS built on Salesforce, but the new TMS lacked data mapping and EDI communications capabilities.
How Boomi Helped
AM Transport partnered with Boomi for B2B/EDI management, which facilitates data exchange between carrier and shipper systems, like enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and the TMS, via EDI, email, text, phone, APIs, and the chat functionality available in the Boomi Bot Framework.
Boomi ingests trading partner data and automatically determines the next step for each load, such as tracking. Boomi brings all that relevant information back into the TMS for analysis, allowing it to be AM Transport’s system of record.
AM Transport can extract valuable data from ELDs via EDI in a fraction of the time and at only half the cost of the company’s previous system. It can establish communications with new trading partners in one hour and complete most of the data mapping in four hours. It can access and extract business value from data and deliver it as a service to customers.
Data integration helps AM Transport provide omnichannel customer communications and deliver visibility into load status.