Australian Red Cross

Australia’s most recognized charity harnesses the power of digital to provide a unified experience across multiple services, and streamline and standardize processes to reduce the cost of manual work.

Business goals

After more than a century of delivering humanitarian aid across Australian, Red Cross embarked on a digital transformation initiative that would ultimately expand its humanitarian services, which include emergency services, migration support, and first aid training, to help the most vulnerable.

A key objective was to create a single view of donors, customers, volunteers, members, and clients so Red Cross can provide a unified experience and deepen engagement with these stakeholders.

Integration Challenges

Red Cross offers a wide variety of services over a vast geographic area including some of Australia’s most remote regions. Given the diverse operations, a number of systems needed to be integrated to ensure data was consistent, reliable, and available to develop a holistic view of people who engage with Red Cross.

Further complicating the project was that a number of third parties in its ecosystem, including fundraising partners, had separate platforms that needed to integrate with Red Cross’s CRM and financial systems.

How Boomi Helped

The first step in Red Cross’ digital strategy was using the Boomi Enterprise Platform to connect the data from its core on-premises and cloud-based systems in real time, to form a 360-degree view of the customer.

Its new digital experience platform – MyRedCross – will initially provide regular givers instant access to their donation history, tax receipts, annual tax statement, and communication preferences, then extend access to all 270,000 stakeholders.


The first version of MyRedCross was released on August 17, 2020. With its core and partner systems integrated through Boomi’s easy-to-use, low-code, cloud-native integration platform, the charity is now able to:

  • Offer personalized customer experiences to its donors, volunteers, members, and clients
  • Automate administrative tasks so more resources can be invested in humanitarian services
  • Provide a standardized platform for future digital services

This is a foundational piece of Red Cross Australia’s digital strategy, transforming the way people engage with the charity.

Case Study

Australian Red Cross Pursues Digital Transformation to Deliver Personalized Experiences to Its 270,000 Supporters

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CIO Today

Join CIO Veronica Frost as she unpacks the Australian Red Cross’ pursuit of digital experience. We explore the technology and business challenges organisations face as they strive to build stronger connections to customers and achieve the utopia.

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If we don’t have integrated systems and data, we can’t provide a good customer experience. Boomi gives us the 360-degree view of the customer we need.
– Veronica Frost, CIO, Red Cross Australia