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Performance, IPaaS and Everything in Between

by Boomi
Published Dec 27, 2018

I love the word performance and all that it relates to — be it artistic, musical, sports or personal performance.

Up until recently, the meaning of the word performance had yet another connotation for me. As a product marketer at MicroFocus, we offered arguably the best performance testing tool on the market, LoadRunner. While there, most of my professional lingo was about the need for proper and thorough performance testing and making it part of your DevOps process.

I have just embarked on a new marketing role at Boomi. Boomi offers a unified cloud integration platform that connects on-premise, cloud, mobile applications and data across the hybrid IT landscape.

Naturally, I am very excited to be venturing in this domain and am looking forward to telling stories on new topics, such as application and data integration, low-code integration platform as a service (iPaaS), EDI integration, API management, data governance, and workflow automation.

And the more I learn about the Boomi integration platform, the more I see how “performance” is woven into every aspect of its design.

Sign up for a free trial of the Boomi integration platform and see for yourself how Boomi can bring performance to your organization.

Automating integration between hundreds of cloud and on-premise applications running in parallel helps enterprises leverage their digital technologies to innovate faster and thrive — delivering great business performance.

Data, whether there is more than enough or not enough of it to make the right decisions, is useless if it’s siloed, duplicated or scattered all over in the organization. Having a centralized location for all that data, with proper governance, gives companies agility while guaranteeing compliance and ultimately improves operational performance.

EDI is still and will remain a very popular communication technology for data exchange because of its robust security and reliability. The performance of the supply chain, a backbone for so many industries, is directly related to accurate and efficient EDI integration.

The explosion in connectivity of diverse devices and technologies that have to interact with a handful of mission-critical legacy applications is creating headaches for many companies. APIs help bridge the gap between old and new, so the performance of your technology stack is dependent on building and managing APIs at scale.

Successfully and efficiently automating your business processes and workflows will accelerate and boost the performance of many key business metrics, including productivity, efficiency, revenue, and even collaboration of team members.

The real beauty of the Boomi platform, and what makes it unique, is the fact that it unifies all of the above elements and boosts performance in many business areas.

There’s Boomi Integration for application and data integration, Boomi B2B Management for B2B and EDI, Boomi DataHubBoomi API Management, and Boomi Flow for workflow automation.

Boomi was a pioneer in the iPaaS space and now it’s pioneering the convergence of app and data integration with process automation.

The low-code environment guarantees the speed of delivery and supports business process orchestration while streaming real-time integrations. And in our digital age of ongoing transformation, the need for such an integration platform is more pressing than ever.

Boomi helps companies manage their IT complexity, navigate their challenges, and automate with ease. For once, CIOs, enterprise architects, IT managers and everyone in between can rely on having one platform for end-to-end enterprise integration and process automation.

And considering IT professionals always have to do more with smaller budgets, Boomi provides critical help for running more efficiently and reducing costs.

As Michael Dell would say: “I’ve never met a customer that doesn’t need Boomi.”

So, while I’ve moved to a new role, performance continues to be front and center in my work with Boomi. Find out how Boomi can perform for you!

Sign up for a free trial of the Boomi integration platform and see for yourself how Boomi can bring performance to your organization.

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