Daylight Transport

Daylight Transport relies on information technology such as Boomi to deliver services to customers. The company uses Boomi to integrate its EDI, TMS and ERP systems, reducing the customer service workload while generating additional revenue.

Business Goals

Daylight Transport relies on a virtual network of independent contractors, agents and transportation carriers that move its freight. But to do this efficiently requires tightly integrated systems for managing customer orders, coordinating freight movement, monitoring shipments, notifying truckers and invoicing clients.

To deliver better customer service and reduce the service workload, the company needed to better integrate its systems, including freight pick-up, tracking and invoicing.

Integration Challenges

For its high transaction volume, Daylight Transport uses IBM Sterling Gentran for EDI and data translation. The TruckMate transportation management system (TMS) from TMW Systems provides ERP, managing freight movement, invoicing and other financial services.

But these systems were not well integrated, leaving the company vulnerable to issues that could affect internal operations and customer satisfaction. A patchwork of FTP applications and home-grown scripts added complexity. Failures could occur at multiple points, without anyone alerted.

How Boomi Helped

Daylight Transport knew better systems integration could improve operations while automating how it detected and remediated issues. But building an integration platform in-house wasn’t practical. Fortunately, senior application developer Martin Zsembik was familiar with the Boomi Enterprise Platform and the company moved quickly into full implementation.

After a fast proof of concept, Daylight Transport began integrations with its primary systems. What would normally take weeks was accomplished in days. And with Boomi’s reusable components, development time often dropped from days or hours to minutes.


With Boomi’s low-code integration platform, Daylight Transport:

  • Generated an additional $800 – $1,000 per day in revenues
  • Improved customer retention
  • Ensured cash flow by integrating check scanning and accounts receivable
  • Reduced integration deployment from weeks to days, and in many cases to hours or only minutes
  • Decreased customer service workload by one full-time employee
  • Minimized business disruption from data or process issues