This is Boomi’s Service Availability SLA for Boomi Managed Cloud Services (“MCS SLA”), and the other optional services described herein; it applies and is available to customers with an active subscription to utilize the Managed Cloud Services, and whose account is current (i.e. not past due), including, with respect to optional services, timely payment of fees therefor. The Boomi MCS are delivered pursuant to the Boomi Master Services Agreement which is available at: (the “MSA”) and the applicable Order or Services Order executed by the parties (unless you have a customized contract for MCS executed by both parties).

1. Service Availability

a. Coverage and Definitions

The term “Production runtime cloud” is defined as any production multi-tenant integration runtime engine hosted by Boomi.

The term “Production MCS runtime cloud” is defined as any production single-tenant integration runtime engine hosted and managed by Boomi, as set out in the MCS Services Order Form.

The term “Production MCS API Gateway” is defined as any production single-tenant API management runtime engine hosted and managed by Boomi, as set out in the MCS Services Order Form.

The term “Test runtime cloud” is defined as any test multi-tenant integration runtime engine hosted by Boomi.

The term “Test MCS runtime cloud” is defined as any test single-tenant integration runtime engine hosted and managed by Boomi, as set out in the MCS Services Order Form.

The term “Test MCS API Gateway” is defined as any test single-tenant API management runtime engine hosted and managed by Boomi, as set out in the MCS Services Order Form.

The term “Local Runtime Environment” is defined as either a test or production Runtime environment residing within a Customer’s network, outside of the Boomi domain.

The term “Service Availability” is defined as the percentage of a particular month (based on 24 hour days for the number of days in the subject month) that “Boomi Enterprise Platform”, “Production runtime cloud”, “Production MCS runtime cloud” and “Production MCS API Gateway” was available for access.

“Test runtime cloud”, “Test MCS runtime cloud”, “Test MCS API Gateway” and “Local Runtime Environment” are excluded from the term “Service Availability”.

“Scheduled Maintenance” does not factor into Service Availability. To ensure the Platform uptime and keep Boomi Enterprise Platform operating optimally, it is necessary to perform regular, routine maintenance (“Scheduled Maintenance”) that, on occasion, may affect Platform availability.

Scheduled Maintenance occurs once a week, on Saturdays between 3am and 7am ET. Customers subscribed to MCS may request maintenance activities on their MCS services to be rescheduled to a mutually agreed time frame.

All efforts have been put in place to isolate this downtime from the actual Boomi Runtimes themselves. Although not guaranteed, Boomi Runtimes will typically be unavailable during this window for less than one (1) minute.

Boomi reserves the right to schedule additional Scheduled Maintenance on an emergency basis with twelve (12) hours notice, for not more than eight hours at a time.

b. Service Level

Boomi’s goal is to achieve 99.99% Service Availability for Boomi’s own technology – the Boomi platform and any Boomi-hosted Runtimes. The availability of other products of other companies is not part of Boomi’s own assurance.

Subject to 1c and 1d, if in any month the Service Availability for Boomi’s platform or Boomi-hosted Runtimes is less than 99.99%, Boomi shall provide, as the sole and exclusive remedy, a credit to Customer in accordance with the following schedule, with the credit being calculated on the basis of the monthly service change for the affected service:

Service Availability Credit Percentage

< 99.99%           10%
< 99.00%          20%
< 97.00%          35%
< 95.00%          50%
< 90.00%          100%

Customer shall not receive any credits under this SLA in connection with any failure or deficiency of Service Availability caused by or associated with:

  • circumstances beyond Boomi’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, armed conflict, embargo, fire, flood, strike or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of or interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services, virus attacks or hackers or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies, or power used in or equipment needed for provision of this SLA;
  • any unavailability, suspension or termination of Customer’s account, or any other performance issues: (a) caused by factors outside of Boomi’s reasonable control, including any Force Majeure event or Internet access or related problems beyond the scope of the MCS Boomi offers; (b) that result from any actions or inactions of Customer or any third party; (c) that result from Customer’s equipment, software or other technology and/or third party equipment, software or other technology (other than third party equipment within Boomi’s direct control); or (d) arising from the suspension and termination of Customer’s right to use the Boomi MCS in accordance with the MSA and the applicable Order or Services Order.
  • scheduled maintenance, upgrades and emergency maintenance;
  • any DNS or Domain Registry issues outside the direct control of Boomi including DNS and Registry propagation issues and expiration;
  • Customer’s acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by customer), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the customer’s account in breach of Boomi’s Master Services Agreement;
  • Acts or omissions of other customers (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by other customers) sharing the affected server(s) with customer, including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the other customers’ account in breach of Boomi’s Master Services Agreement;
  • Non-Boomi-branded products that we connect to, rely on or interact with specifically for your MCS instance that are not part of our shared platform environment – such as any issues associated with other hosts beyond Boomi Enterprise Platform hosting provider, or issues associated with particular technology Boomi is asked to use for your MCS deployment that Boomi does not provide to customers in the same manner from the same vendor for shared platform non-MCS instances of Boomi technology;
  • outages elsewhere on the Internet that hinder access to your account. Boomi is not responsible for browser, DNS, or other caching that may make your account appear inaccessible when others can still access it. Boomi will guarantee only those areas of the Internet considered under the control of Boomi: Boomi servers’ links to the Internet, Boomi’s routers, and Boomi’s servers themselves.

NOTE: Nothing in this MCS SLA supersedes your SLA rights under Boomi’s standard SLA for our own Boomi Enterprise Platform, to the extent that an issue relates to the standard shared platform rather than additional technology or services deployed for MCS. Hence, SLA for a platform issue affecting all customers using our standard hosted service – see shared SLA at SLA for issues arising from MCS deployments rather than the shared standard platform, this MCS SLA applies.

d. Credit Request

In order to receive a credit, Customer must make a request for credit by filing a support ticket through Boomi’s Customer Support Center. Each request in connection with this SLA must include the dates and times of the unavailability, a description of the perceived problem, and must be received by Boomi within ten (10) business days after the unavailability. If the unavailability is confirmed by Boomi, credits will be applied within 30 days of Boomi’s receipt of customer’s credit request.

The total amount credited to Customer in a particular month under this SLA shall not exceed the total monthly recurring fee paid by the Customer for said month for the affected Services. Credits are exclusive of any applicable taxes charged to Customer or collected by Boomi and are Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any failure or deficiency in the Availability.

Important Disclaimer Regarding Your SLA

Boomi’s sole obligation and your exclusive remedy for Boomi’s failure to deliver any services covered hereunder shall be for Boomi, at its option, to reperform the services in a manner substantially in accordance with this SLA or issue a refund to you.

For information regarding Boomi support services, please refer to our service description or access directly at