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The New Boomi User Group Program: Coming to a City Near You!

by Boomi
Published Jul 10, 2019

Looking to meet up with Boomi users in your region to learn tips and tricks, share your experiences, explore best practices and build community dialogue? The new Boomi User Group program is for you!

We’ve got nearly 50 Boomi User Group meetings across North America, Europe, and Asia already executed or in the pipeline for 2019. That builds on the successes of the program’s launch in 2018, when an initial 10 user group meetings in major cities attracted fantastic interest and participation.

The fast-growing Boomi User Group program is part of the overall Boomi Community (#BoomiCommunity), which is aimed at driving collaborative engagement with online forums, knowledge base, idea exchange and much more. The “Boomer” community is now more than 22,000 members strong — up from 12,000 last November.

A little background: I joined Boomi in January 2018 as senior community manager and strategist to continue building out the Community as a “one-stop shop for all things Boomi,” helping you build connected businesses with the platform. A priority for 2019 is advancing the user group program.

The Boomi User Group program is just one of the many ways we support our customers to help them improve and accelerate their businesses.

Learn more about how our customers Win With Boomi.

Mark Your Calendar for an Upcoming Meetup

Our vision is for customers to become actively involved in building, organizing and leading regional user groups, meetings and other activities. We’ll partner hand in hand with those group leaders and provide resources and assistance designed to continuously improve user groups at the local level.

In time, we envision three or four regional and vertical-based user group in-person meetings per year, along with supporting online user groups on the Boomi Community to help attract, engage and grow Boomi user participation. If you’re interested in getting involved, email us at

In the meantime, your first step is to attend an upcoming Boomi User Group session! You should hear from your account management team when a user group meeting is scheduled for your area. And check our Community events for upcoming meetups and other events.

So what happens at a Boomi User Group session? Let me give you a quick tour:

What it is: Sessions run between two and four hours and feature a mix of customers, Boomi executives and partner speakers. Our customers deliver a firsthand account of their implementations, use cases, challenges and results using Boomi. These customer presentations highlight the meeting agenda.

Boomi staff experts can discuss product roadmaps, specific features and use cases, provide demos and discuss other topics. Boomi partners may present on industry trends, specific use cases and customer stories. There’s open Q&A dialogue, roundtable discussions, plenty of networking, and complimentary food and beverage.

What it isn’t: Not a sales pitch! The aim is to strengthen the Boomi Community, empower users with knowledge and help drive your success using Boomi to streamline and grow your organization. No one is going to be pitching you for business.

Why attend: In-person meetups always generate more insights, connections, inspiration and downstream value than a webinar or conference call, right? You can learn innovative best practices, dialogue with your peers and build long-lasting relationships. Plus, you can provide your feedback and ideas directly to the Boomi team.

Who should attend: Integration architects, developers, application managers, VPs of IT, CIOs and business stakeholders all can benefit from insights and networking around optimizing Boomi to accelerate business outcomes.

What about online? Yes! In fact, we have a Higher Education User Group that operates with both in-person and online sessions. That makes sense because participants in any industry, higher ed and otherwise, are widely dispersed. For local groups, we can arrange for virtual broadcasts to accommodate those unable to make a meeting in person.

Where: Locations vary, but are often at a customer location or a Dell Technologies facility. In some smaller regions with fewer attendees, a less formal meetup such as a “lunch and learn” or happy hour event at a restaurant venue can be more practical than a conventional conference room setting.

As for cities and regions, they span from coast to coast — San Francisco, Vancouver, Miami, Boston, Southern California, Nashville, New York City, Toronto, Detroit … the list goes on. We also have planned sessions in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Singapore in June.

Your Feedback Matters

At each session, we capture feedback from attendees on the quality of presentations, the value of the session, things that worked and things that can be improved. We take that input into account to evolve the program and deliver the most value.

For instance, our Boomi User Group participants find customer use case presentations to be especially valuable (so we’re always on the lookout for customers who’d like to share how they’ve used Boomi to tackle business and IT challenges). One Boomi user at an audio-visual company spoke for many attendees when he said:

“The Boomi User Group in Chicago was an excellent exchange of use cases and potential solutions. The opportunities for open dialog and networking for future Boomi projects were especially valuable.”

The Boomi User Group program is an exciting evolution that’s helping the Boomi Community grow even more connected and effective in driving business transformation. This is a great time to get in on the ground floor by attending a meeting or taking a speaking or leadership role to help build out a user group in your region.

Please contact our user group team with questions, feedback and ideas. We look forward to hearing from you!

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