How To Choose an ERP System

by Boomi
Published Jul 25, 2024

Determining how to choose an ERP (enterprise resource planning) system is a complex decision, but it is critical to resource planning and management. The challenge lies in balancing the benefits of customization against the risks of compatibility issues, higher costs, and functionality breakdowns. However, a holistic approach that leverages automation and integration can meet your needs without the drawbacks of excessive customization. This strategy ensures you can fully benefit from ERP efficiency improvements. Read on to learn the best approach to selecting the right ERP solution for your businesses.

The Importance of Choosing the Right ERP System

With so many types of ERP available, choosing the right system might seem to be a daunting task. However, it’s a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization’s long-term operational efficiency, data management capabilities, and overall success. Let’s take a closer look at the stakes involved:

  • Organizational Alignment: The right ERP ensures all parts of your organization are aligned and that business processes, departments, and functions work seamlessly towards shared strategic goals and objectives.
  • Data Integrity and Accuracy: Information is vital for the survival of any modern business. Maintaining accurate and consistent data across your entire operation through your ERP is essential for high-quality decision-making, compliance, and all-around profitability.
  • Long-term Growth and Scalability:  Your ERP must flexibly adapt as your requirements shift over time. This includes having the capacity to support future expansion into new markets or business lines without requiring a complete system overhaul. It should also integrate with other systems as your technology ecosystem evolves.
  • Risk Mitigation: Implementing an ERP that does not properly address your specific needs can introduce significant downsides. This includes risks of data loss, disrupted processes, system failures that impact operations, and even non-compliance issues that could result in costly penalties or legal consequences. Selecting the right customized ERP helps avoid these potential hazards.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing the Right ERP System?

While any ERP can reduce manual processes, here’s how selecting the most appropriate solution delivers maximized returns:

  • Seamless Integration and Interoperability: The right ERP effectively connects your existing backend systems, modern data pipelines, and third-party applications. This streamlined integration approach facilitates the automated, bi-directional flow of accurate data across your IT environment. Interoperability between all relevant software programs and databases minimizes errors from fragmented or duplicated data, and eliminates data silos.
  • Improved User Adoption: When an ERP system automates tasks for employees, they are more likely to embrace the new technology. Users are less resistant to changes that simplify their daily work instead of complicating it with irrelevant or unused features.
  • Optimized Workflows and Processes: By properly customizing the ERP to your unique operations and business processes, routine tasks can be executed automatically to reduce manual work. Redundancies are eliminated, allowing staff to focus on more strategic work. This optimization enables new levels of productivity and efficiency.
  • Better Decision-Making Capabilities: An ERP that provides accurate, 360-degree customer view and real-time data customized to your specific business intelligence criteria empowers managers and executives to make data-driven decisions. Insights into every detail of operations support strategic planning and problem-solving.
  • Reduced Customization Costs: When an ERP solution closely aligns with your objectives, less time-consuming and costly customization is needed during and after implementation. This lowers the total cost of ownership over the long term.
  • Future-Proof Scalability: Choosing an ERP designed to flexibly expand alongside your evolving operations protects your investment and future-proofs your technology infrastructure. Without a forklift upgrade, the system can accommodate strategic growth like new product lines, regional expansion, or process transformations.

Australian fuel retailer Ampol implemented Boomi’s integration platform to connect their systems. This empowered Ampol to deliver new integration projects 70% faster while slashing associated costs by 30%.

The Top Challenges When Deciding How to Choose an ERP System

Selecting a suitable ERP system requires the careful assessment of many key aspects. It’s essential to thoroughly evaluate potential roadblocks to guarantee a successful implementation. Let’s take a look at the most common difficulties you might face when choosing an ERP system:

Identifying Organizational Needs

Accurately identify and prioritize your organization’s specific requirements and pain points. This process requires a comprehensive analysis of operations, workflows, and future growth plans.

Navigating the Vendor Landscape

With numerous ERP vendors and solutions available in the market, it can be confusing to compare the various offerings, features, and pricing models.

Optimizing Data Migration and Integration

Ensuring seamless data migration and integration with existing software, databases, and third-party tools is a significant challenge that requires careful planning and execution.

Change Management and User Adoption

Deploying a new ERP system often involves significant changes to established processes and workflows. Overcoming resistance to change and ensuring user adoption across the organization can be a formidable obstacle, particularly in larger organizations or those with well-established legacy systems.

Balancing Customization and Complexity

While customization is often necessary to tailor the ERP system to specific objectives, excessive customization can lead to increased complexity, compatibility issues, and higher maintenance costs. Finding the right balance between customization and out-of-the-box functionality is a delicate exercise.

Ensuring Compliance and Security

Depending on the industry and regulatory environment, organizations may need to ensure that their chosen ERP system complies with various standards, regulations, and security protocols. Failure to meet these requirements can result in significant legal and financial consequences.

Best Practices for Deploying an ERP System

By following a structured approach and considering key factors such as your business requirements, platform integration capabilities, and vendor support, you can navigate the ERP selection process with confidence and implement the best solution. Here are some tips to guide you:

Engage Stakeholders Early

When crafting your ERP plan, involve top managers and those working across departments. Their insights ensure the selection will support current and anticipated business needs based on strategic objectives.

Prioritize Business Outcomes

With stakeholder input, create a roadmap highlighting the most important outcomes for the organization. Focus on capabilities central to your operations and strategy.

Take a “Best fit” Approach

Don’t aim for the perfect, all-encompassing ERP suite. Instead, identify which capabilities must be best-in-class vs which can meet your requirements without over-engineering. Focus investment on differentiating capabilities.

Leverage Integration Capabilities

Integrate your ERP with iPaaS (integration platform as a service) to “future-proof” your integrations. The iPaaS will take care of connecting to existing systems and future applications as needed, without relying on complex customizations.

Balance Composability and Simplicity

Make the ERP solution as composable as required by your business strategy. Flexibility has tradeoffs, so balance it with a simplified, maintainable architecture where possible.

Align with Clear Enterprise Needs

Map current and anticipated long-term system integration, data sharing, and the ERP’s role as a master data source. Ensure the vendor can sufficiently support core capabilities.

With the help of Boomi’s integration capabilities, the American Cancer Society (ACS) consolidated over 120 systems that processed 250,000 daily transactions. With Salesforce and NetSuite seamlessly integrated, ACS improved service for 30,000 patients, increased ride-shares by 39%, and gained insights by analyzing 36 million records.

Why Boomi Is the Best Solution for Your ERP System

A unified ERP platform can enhance your operational efficiency and overall success. Boomi’s integration platform as a service (iPaaS)  is a solution that allows you to establish a composable ERP strategy that seamlessly integrates disparate applications and platforms, simplifying your ecosystem.

With Boomi you can:

  • Organize and synchronize information flow between ERP and third-party applications
  • Ensure data integrity and accuracy across the enterprise
  • Leverage low-code and no-code development tools
  • Increase your agility and efficiency
  • Automate business processes
  • Minimize excessive customization
  • Lower the total cost of ownership
  • Quickly adapt to changing business requirements

Experience how Boomi can revolutionize your ERP — sign up for a free demo today.

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