This Boomi US Persons Support Policy (“Policy”) is subject to the agreement between
you (“Customer”) and Boomi under which Boomi provides its Boomi Enterprise Platform Service that references
this Policy (“Agreement”). This Policy describes Boomi’s US Persons Support Offering provided by
Boomi’s US Persons technical support team (“Boomi Support”) in connection with support requests related
to product defects or errors in the Boomi Enterprise Platform Service causing it to fail to perform in material conformance
with the Documentation (“Errors”). Support services will be provided by United States citizens or
lawful permanent residents. This Policy will apply only if Customer has purchased US Persons support, as indicated in
Customer’s Order. This Policy may be updated by Boomi from time to time. Capitalized terms not defined in this Policy
shall have the meaning given to them in the Agreement.
Boomiverse: Boomi’s customer facing website which contains knowledge related to the Boomi solutions and
the interface to the support portal
Boomi Production Service: Production runtime clouds & Platform hosted by Boomi and Production Boomi
Runtime Implementation hosted by Customer
Boomi Non-Production Service: Test runtime clouds hosted by Boomi and Non-Production Boomi Runtime
Implementations hosted by Customer
I. Support
1. General US Persons Support Offering. Customer shall designate one primary contact who has Boomi
administrator privileges and up to the number of additional contacts permitted for the Support Level then-currently
procured by Customer as described in Table 4 (“Customer Contacts”). Boomi provides English-speaking remote assistance to
Customer Contacts for questions or issues arising from any Errors, as further described in this Policy, including
troubleshooting, diagnosis, and recommendations for potential workarounds during Customer’s subscription to the
applicable Service. Boomi also provides the specific resources for the corresponding Support Level procured by Customer
as further described in this Policy and the tables below.
2. Contacting Boomi Support. Customer Contacts may contact Boomi Support by opening a support ticket in
the Boomi Support Portal located at (or such successor URL as may be designated by
Boomi) and designating the appropriate severity level according to Table 1 below. All Customer Contacts must be
reasonably trained in the use and functionality of the Service and the Boomi Documentation and shall use reasonable
diligence to ensure a perceived Error is not an issue with Customer equipment, software, infrastructure, or network
connectivity. Customer Contacts cannot open support cases via other channels (email, phone, chat) as Boomi cannot
guarantee US Persons support.
3. Submission of Support Cases. Each Support Case shall: (a) designate the Severity Level of the Error
in accordance with the definitions in Table 1, (b) identify the Customer’s Account that experienced the Error, (c)
include information sufficiently detailed to allow Boomi Support to attempt to duplicate the Error (including any
relevant error messages), and (d) provide contact information for the Customer Contact most familiar with the issue.
Unless Customer expressly designates the Severity Level, the Support Case will default to Severity Level 4. If Customer
Contacts submit Support Cases related to enhancement or feature requests, Boomi shall treat those tickets as closed once
the request has been forwarded internally.
4. Other Assistance and Training. Boomi also offers various support and training resources such as
documentation, community forums, FAQs and user guides available in the Boomiverse. Except for the Operational Warranty
in the Agreement applicable to the Documentation only, those resources are provided “as-is” and Boomi makes no warranty
regarding any of that information. Additionally, Boomi offers for-fee consultation for issues not covered by this
Policy, including, but not limited to, Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting, Process Design and Development,
Architectural Guidance, Health Checks, Custom Scripting and Coding, Network, Troubleshooting and Analysis, and Training
Services, which, if purchased, will be reflected in a Services Order.
Table 1: Error Severity Level Definitions
Severity Level 1 (Critical Severity) | An Error occurring in Boomi Production Service that (a) renders the Boomi Production Service completely inoperative or (b) makes Customer’s use of material features of the Boomi Production Service impossible, with no alternative available. |
Severity Level 2 (High Severity) | An Error that (a) has a high impact to key portions of the Boomi Production Service or Boomi Non-Production Service or (b) seriously impairs Customer’s use of material function(s) of the Boomi Production Service or Boomi Non-Production Service and Customer cannot reasonably circumvent or avoid the Error on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant time or effort |
Severity Level 3 (Medium Severity) | An Error that has a medium-to-low impact on the Boomi Production Service or Boomi Non-Production Service, but Customer can still access and use some functionality of the Boomi Production Service or Boomi Non-Production Service. |
Severity Level 4 (Low Severity) | An Error that has low-to-no impact on Customer’s access to and use of the Boomi Production Service or Boomi Non-Production Service. |
Table 2: Severity Level Initial Response Time Targets
Error Severity Level | US Persons Standard Support Initial Response Time Target |
Severity Level 1 (Critical Severity) | Four (4) Business Hours |
Severity Level 2 (High Severity) | Eight (8) Business Hours |
Severity Level 3 (Medium Severity) | Two (2) Business Days |
Severity Level 4 (Low Severity) | Four (4) Business Days |
5. Error Response. Upon receipt of a Support Case, Boomi Support will attempt to determine the Error
and assign the applicable Severity Level based on descriptions in Table 1. Boomi’s objective is to meet the Initial
Response Time Target for the applicable Severity Level, as measured during in-region Boomi Support hours set forth in
Table 3 below (such hour(s), “Business Hour(s)” with the total Business Hours in an in-region support
day being “Business Day(s)”). If the Customer Contact that submitted the Support Case is unresponsive
or unreachable, Boomi may downgrade the Severity Level. If Boomi’s Severity Level designation is different from that
assigned by Customer, Boomi will promptly notify Customer of such designation. If Customer notifies Boomi of a
reasonable basis for disagreeing with Boomi’s designated Severity Level, the parties will discuss and use good faith
efforts to come to mutual agreement. If disagreement remains after discussion, the severity level as set by Boomi in
accordance with Table 1 above will be the Severity Level of the case.
Table 3: Boomi US Persons Support Hours
Boomi Service Region | US Persons Standard Support Business Hours |
Severity Level 1-4 (Standard) | Excluded HolidaysSeverity Level 1-4 (Standard) | |
USA | 8AM-8PM ET Mon-Fri |
Recognized U.S. Federal Holidays |
Table 4: Support Level Resources for US Persons Standard Support
Boomiverse (knowledge base, forums, articles, events, etc.) | Yes |
Number of Total Customer Contacts | 5 |
Case Escalation | No |
II. Policy Exclusions
Boomi will have no obligations to provide support for, but not limited to, the services listed below.
Boomi Production Service and Boomi Non-Production Service |
Where to Obtain Assistance |
Boomi Tech Previews | Boomiverse |
Third Party Software or Services | Third Party |
Customer Infrastructure | Customer |
Performance Analysis and Tuning | Boomiverse or Boomi Professional Services + |
Reference Architecture / Best Practices | Boomiverse, Boomi Blueprint, Boomi Professional Services + |
Architectural Guidance | Boomiverse or Boomi Professional Services + |
Process Design and Development | Boomiverse or Boomi Professional Services + |
Custom scripting or coding | Boomiverse or Boomi Professional Services + |
Boomi Trial Accounts | Boomiverse |
Boomi Training Accounts | Boomi Training Team ( |
Provisioning Questions & Issues | Boomi Account Executive |
Licensing Questions & Issues | Customer Success Director |
Credit Requests | Customer Success Director |
User Management and Administration | Customer Success Director |
Network, Troubleshooting and Analysis | Customer |
+ For-fee service requiring a mutually agreed upon Services Order.
III. Service Levels
Boomi makes the Boomi Services available to you pursuant to the Boomi Enterprise Platform Service Level Agreement (“SLA”), which
is posted at The SLA may be amended from time to time by Boomi, and any such amended
version of the SLA will be the operative SLA with respect to this Policy and the Boomi Services (i) from that point
forward, or (ii) upon the next renewal date of the term, if Customer provides written notice of Customer’s objection to
the change within 30 days of the amendment.
© Boomi Inc. Dell, Dell Technologies, Boomi, the ‘B’ logo, Runtime, Boomi Enterprise Platform, and Dell
Boomi are trademarks of Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.