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4 Things to Consider When Shopping for a Cloud Service

by Boomi
Published May 31, 2017
Happy and sad faces with checkboxes

Every successful business has partners. Boomi is no exception. And Kitepipe is a great example of that.

Kitepipe is a cloud-focused integration services team dedicated to helping enterprises streamline operations with the cloud-native Boomi integration platform.

Recently Kitepipe founder and chief solution architect, LarryCone, posted an article on that lists eight things to expect when you move a business process to a cloud application suite. Of course, all things cloud are near and dear to us. Of the eight things Cone explores in his blog, a few especially hit home.

Expect excellent security and user rights management

This is something that’s often a concern for organizations who consider migrating workloads to the cloud.

But many at Boomi will point out that a true cloud, multi-tenant platform gives a greater level of security than on-premise installed software. Security is baked in to a well-designed cloud solution. And any cloud service should be a multi-layered approach to security, not just perimeter security. (See our recent blog post: “Behind the Cloud: 5 Keys to Building a True Cloud Service”)

Customize strategically

Cone also says cloud services need to provide options for customizations, but “just because you can (customize), doesn’t mean you should. …concentrate on the 20 percent of the customizations that provide 80 percent of the business value.”

This is a rule Boomi follows when we consider new features to the Boomi integration platform as a service (iPaaS). When software is easy to customize, there’s a tendency to get carried away. And before you know it, your customers are struggling with feature bloat.

When we add a feature to the platform, we always ask ourselves two questions: “Will this feature serve a broad swath of our customers?” And, “Will this feature make Boomi harder for the average customer to use?”

The cloud makes integration even more important

Integration between systems has been an issue for companies long before the cloud. The entire legacy middleware industry is founded on it.

When companies move to the cloud, integration demands don’t disappear. In fact, except for companies that start in the cloud, most organizations keep at least some on-premise applications as they gradually modernize their IT systems to the cloud.

Most companies require cloud-to-cloud, cloud-to-ground (on-premises), and ground-to-ground integrations. Boomi handles all without coding, so when elements change the integration doesn’t break — the Achilles heel of hard-coded, legacy middleware integrations.

Master class for cloud integration

As companies mature, they often find that they have dozens of point-to-point integrations. At some stage, regardless of how flexible those integrations are, another issue arises: Which system is the system of record? And how can data from the system of record populate other systems that need it?

Enter master data management (MDM). Kitepipe recently deployed Boomi DataHub for Moderna Therapeutics, a pioneer in biomedical research. The company began as a cloud-native company and is using Boomi AtomSphere for application integration and our MDM capabilities for orchestrating integrations among their many cloud applications.

If you have any questions about integrating with the cloud, please contact Boomi or Kitepipe today!

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