Boomi Insights

Get real-time insights into all your Boomi Integration operations and trends.

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Your Boomi command center

A non-intrusive SaaS offering that works alongside the Boomi Enterprise Platform. Boomi Insights provides real-time reporting, analytics, visuals, and dashboards for improved governance and control. Easily monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize all your Boomi operations.

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Insights at a glance

Boomi Insights provides a suite of dashboards, widgets, and other visualizations to help you govern, manage, and optimize your Boomi implementation.


Account Insights provides a suite of dashboards, widgets, and other visualizations to help you govern, manage, and optimize your Boomi implementation.

Contact your Boomi representative

Features include:

  • Interface catalog
  • Code analysis of Boomi processes
  • Deployments
  • Security Audit
  • Support cases

Process Monitoring

Get advanced, error handling solutions for common integration errors and exceptions as well as related insights to help improve ongoing operations.

Contact your Boomi representative

Features include:

  • Error handling framework
  • Support for batch and real-time
  • Advanced duplicate detection
  • Extensive metadata enrichment
  • Process offender watch list

Process Management

Process management is an optional add-on service that provides a workforce team to manage your production processes on the customers behalf.

Contact your Boomi representative

Features include:

  • 24/7/365 process management
  • Incident management via support
  • Dynamic severity adjustment
  • Case resolution management
  • Break/fix type change management


Boomi Insights

Ideal for organizations that need visualization and governance for large integration environments.

Contact your Boomi representative

Features include:

  • Account Insights & Process Monitoring functionality
  • Tiered service model by # of processes
  • Tiered pricing model based on the number of processes the client would like to have on the tool

Boomi Insights & Process Management

Ideal for organizations that need a larger support footprint and require Boomi expertise.

Contact your Boomi representative

Features include:

  • Account Insights & Process Monitoring functionality
  • Process Management (optional add-on)
  • Tiered pricing model based on the number of processes the client would like to have on the tool

Find out why an ICoE is critical for integration success

Learn how data is visualized and aggregated in Boomi Insights.