The Disability Trust

Australian not-for-profit securely centralizes data to optimize support for 4,000+ participants living with disability.


Employees and care staff at the Disability Trust (“The Trust”) provide services that support more than 4,000 people living with disability. To empower its participants, the organization provides life skills training, independent living and accommodation assistance, social and networking opportunities, recreation, and employment help.

The Trust needed a single, secure view of operational, employee, and participant information to improve care and service personalization. This would ensure a single source of information for caregivers, which would support better decision-making.

Le sfide tecnologiche

The Trust houses information required by caregivers and managers. However, the data resided across multiple systems in various formats, making searching for it an additional task for caregivers, who could instead be looking after participants. Siloed on-premises technology meant workers input manual data, frequently duplicating entries across systems.

The Trust also owned legacy, point-to-point integrations requiring extensive coding and management. At times, integration capability was non-existent, increasing the risk of inconsistencies and errors from manual data entry.

Il ruolo di Boomi

The Trust selected the Boomi integration platform as a service (iPaaS) for its migration to the cloud. With Boomi’s low-code design, additional resources are not needed — a critical factor for The Trust, where money saved could be allocated to optimize support for participants.

With Boomi, The Trust’s apps and systems can securely connect data and devices with people and management teams. As a result, the Trust eliminated silos, centralized data from its applications, and simplified business-critical app integrations.


With the Boomi platform, The Trust gained a clear picture of participant needs, allowing employees to focus on their support roles with added confidence that organizational data is reliable and up to date.

Upon completion of the project, caregivers can maintain participant profiles and easily log accurate details of their needs. This will help enhance initiatives like The Trust’s digital enablement strategy, where people with disability can access diverse activities.