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byEmma McCulloch
Sydney, Australia – July 23, 2020 – Boomi™ today announced that Juniper Aged Care has leveraged the Boomi platform to drastically reduce IT expenditure and drive efficiency throughout the organization, enabling it to focus on its core mission – providing the best possible care to its residents and clients.
Juniper is a leading provider of care, accommodation and support services for older Western Australians. As a values-driven not-for-profit organization, Juniper is highly focused on the delivery of person-centered care and services that enhance the physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing of its residents and clients.
In order to improve efficiencies and transform its operations, Juniper undertook a whole-of-business IT refresh. While the first step of the strategy included shifting to a cloud-first model and replacing over 10,000 items of technology equipment across the organization, a number of disparate business-critical applications had to be integrated for the desired benefits to be realized.
Dan Beeston, ICT Manager at Juniper, said the core driver behind the overhaul was to enable greater efficiency across its operations so more resources could be invested in caring for residents and clients.
“As a not-for-profit organization, every dollar we save is another dollar we can invest in our residents and clients’ health and wellbeing, giving them the best possible quality of life,” he said.
“We were previously reliant on on-premises infrastructure which required heavy capital expenditure, but by moving to the cloud and digital technologies, we shifted our IT spend to operational expenditure, so we have more capital to invest in building better facilities.”
One of the key issues Beeston and his IT team had to overcome was that Juniper’s critical business applications were disjointed and relied on manual integrations which were extremely complex. Resident and incident information was also duplicated across multiple systems, making it difficult and time-consuming for Juniper’s team to locate and extract data to inform business decisions.
To streamline Juniper’s response to the aged care sector’s compliance and governance requirements, Juniper aimed to centralize critical data into a single Risk Management platform called ionMy – that required integration with several other systems including iCare (clinical care), Epicor (ERP), Chris21 (payroll) and Okta (identity and access management). Manually integrating these critical systems would be far too complex and costly, so the company sought a solution that would simplify and automate the integration of these digital assets.
Beeston said Juniper ultimately chose Boomi’s integration platform as a service (iPaaS) due to its ability to easily break down data silos by integrating on-premises and cloud applications with a simple drag-and-drop user interface.
“One of my key concerns was that I didn’t want the solution to require a dedicated integration developer – not only would this be a significant additional expense, but it would severely impact business continuity when they left the business,” Beeston said.
“With all our critical data in a single platform, we’re ensuring governance and regulatory compliance across the organization and slashed the time it takes to generate reports. This means we can more regularly keep our board members up to date on any risks in the organization.”
Since successfully completing the integration, Juniper has improved productivity across the business and devoted more resources to resident and client care.
“We’ve been able to drive efficiencies and free people from manual administrative tasks,” he said. “Prior, each of our ten key systems had its own set of credentials so carers would have to log in 10 different times, remember ten separate passwords, and enter the same data multiple times. This has all been replaced by a single sign-on.
“With the shift to web-based applications, we’ve now replaced thousands of desktop terminals with mobile tablets so our carers can spend more time interacting with the residents where they are comfortable rather than behind the scenes at nurse’s stations doing data entry.”
Beeston said the next phase in Juniper’s journey was implementing Boomi DataHub to gain 360-degree visibility across its ecosystem, ensuring consistent data throughout the business and a single source of truth to enable data analytics and business intelligence projects.
“Our previously-isolated systems meant data was entered differently in each separate system which made it impossible to run any analytics or gain any insight from our data,” he said. “With consistent data in a central source, we’ll be able to deliver even greater value to the business.”
Nicholas Lambrou, Managing Director Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ) at Boomi, said there was enormous pressure on the Aged Care sector in the wake of the current Royal Commission, and digital technologies had a pivotal role to play in ensuring the best possible care.
“Emerging technologies such as IoT and smart devices can help ensure residents receive the exact care they need, the moment they need it – whether that’s through connected monitors, blood pressure devices, or even AI-driven fall detection,” he said. “But beyond these critical care aspects, and perhaps counter-intuitively, data plays a pivotal role in personalizing the experience for residents. Carers can know straight away what a resident’s preferences are – from their favorite music to the activities they like to do each day, to how they like their tea or coffee – all with a swipe on a mobile device.”
Lambrou added, “These are all exciting possibilities, but integrating these new technologies with legacy systems can be a handbrake on innovation. Juniper is setting the standard for aged care and ensuring it can take advantage of all the benefits digital technologies have to offer.”
About Boomi
Boomi instantly connects everyone to everything with our cloud-native, unified, open, and intelligent platform. Boomi’s integration platform as a service (iPaaS) is trusted by more than 11,000 customers globally for its speed, ease-of-use, and lower total cost of ownership. As the pioneer at fueling intelligent use of data, Boomi’s vision is to make it quick and easy for customers and partners to discover, manage, and orchestrate data, while you connect applications, processes, and people for better, faster outcomes.
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